Health facts

Why use a Water-to-Go bottle?

  • Removes chemicals in your tap water such as chlorine and fluoride.
  • Removes contamination from untreated water sources keeping you safe when out and about and on holidays.
  • Medical reports show some plastic water bottles 'leach' man-made oestrogen (BPA) into its contents when the bottle is exposed to sunlight or temperatures over 60 degrees Fahrenheit or 15 degrees centigrade. These oestrogens can lead to cancer. That means leaving a bottle outside in sunlight when being delivered or in your car starts the process!
  • The material we use is LDPE a specially developed plastic which is FDA approved for food and beverages. It cannot l ak or taint the water and has been specifically designed in order to be BPA free. Ensures you keep hydrated... No matter where you are!
  • The following information is drawn from the European Hydration Institute website.
  • Under typical circumstances the body loses and needs to replace approximately 2 to 3 litres of water daily. Breathing, urinating, defecating, and perspiring all cause water losses that need to be replaced on a daily basis. If water is lost from the bloodstream, the body can compensate somewhat by shifting water from cells into the blood vessels, but this is a very short-term solution. If the lost water is not replenished, the body may suffer serious consequences.
  • The body is able to monitor the amount of water it needs to function. The thirst mechanism signals the body to drink when the body water content is reduced. Hormones, including anti-diuretic hormone (ADH), work with the kidney to limit the amount of water lost in the urine when the body needs to conserve water. Water intake and output are highly variable but closely matched to less than 0.1% over an extended period through homeostatic control. Electrolyte intake and output are also closely linked, both to each other and to the hydration status.
  • Failure to match intake and loss of water and minerals, especially sodium and potassium, may lead to dehydration.
  • A loss of body water equivalent to about 1% of body weight is normally compensated within 24 hours. Thirst stimulates drinking, so intake is increased and there is also a reduction in water loss by the kidneys. If losses are greater than this, reductions in physical and cognitive performance may occur and there may be some impairment of thermoregulation and cardiovascular function.
  • Mild dehydration can cause symptoms such as thirst, headache, weakness, dizziness and fatigue and generally makes people feel tired and lethargic. Symptoms of moderate dehydration may include dry mouth, little or no urine, sluggishness, a rapid heartbeat and lack of skin elasticity. Severe dehydration is a life-threatening medical emergency, and is characterized by extreme thirst, no urine, rapid breathing, altered mental state and cold, clammy skin.
  • Increasing levels of dehydration with fluid losses of more than 1% of body weight can lead successively to reduction in exercise performance and in the ability to control body temperature. With fluid deficits of 4% and more, severe performance decrements may be observed as well as difficulties in concentration, headaches, irritability and sleepiness, and increases in body temperature and in respiratory rates. Dehydration that causes a loss of 10% or more of body weight can be fatal.
  • As dehydration progresses, the volume of water in the blood stream decreases, and blood pressure may fall. Cardiovascular function is impaired with increasing levels of dehydration, with a rise in heart rate and difficulties in maintaining the volume of blood that the heart delivers to the tissues. The heart pumps harder to maintain blood flow to the organs, but blood pressure may fall as the blood volume falls. Reduced blood flow to the skin and reduced levels of hydration keep the body from sweating and dissipating heat.
  • Chronic dehydration can increase the risk of infection, particularly of the urinary tract. The kidneys and other major organs that receive a decreased blood flow may begin to fail. Kidney failure is a common occurrence, although it is reversible if it is due to dehydration and is treated early. Decreased blood supply to the brain may caus e confusion, impairing both cognitive function and coordination.
  • Rehydrate with pure clean filtered water, using a Water-to-Go water bottle.